Student -Centered Outcomes Through Dispute Resolution

12th Annual Same Side of the Table 
Student-Centered Outcomes Through Dispute Resolution
This year's Same Side event closes out a unique pandemic year. To mark its challenges, we brainstormed our way into an exciting new format, and asked our panelists to discuss the following questions.
1) What common issues landed on your desk this pandemic year for facilitation, mediation, problem resolution, settlement or hearing after reaching an impasse at the IEP table?
2) What creative and/or unusual resolutions became possible during this unusual year?
3) What was successful about how stakeholders (educators, parents, administrators, advocates and agencies) engaged over the year?
4) What lessons and ideas for resolution, can stakeholders take back to the IEP table from this year's experience?
Our Panelists Are:
Reece Erlichman, Director, Board of Special Education Appeals
Amy Reichbach, Hearing Officer, BSEA
Myrto Flessas, Coordinator of Mediation and Facilitation, BSEA
Russell Johnston, Senior Associate Commissioner, DESE
Reece Erlichman and SPaN Board Members Jennie DunKley and Seetha Burtner.
Monday Afternoon, May 10, 2021
3:00 to 5:30 pm
Virtual Presentation Via Zoom Webinar 
Member $25
Non-Member $40
Registration closes on May 6, 2021.
Walk-in/late registrations please email for availability.
Non-Member Registration
Special Needs Advocacy Network, Inc., P.O. Box 463, Lexington, Lexington, MA 02420

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